
So what have you done? Can I see some of your work? I get these questions one all the time (well, not daily or I'd have a t-shirt made, but at least once per interview). This is one reason I made this site. The other was to put my hideous mug out there on the web so that parents would show it to bad children to make them behave and avoid the web at all costs.

The majority of work that I have done has been Intranet work and, as such, is not available to the world in general. I have begun to take snapshots of the intranet pages I work on but many cannot be shown until after the products go live. For those I'll include any public announcements that are safe to distribute.

Bing Ford

 (screen1) (screen2)

Created this site with the GCS team at Microsoft. 3 of us worked on it. I created a decent amount of it. The XPS files have some issues, but hopefully you can see the live site if it's still up and running. It wasn't supposed to be up too long.

Bing Editorial Curation Tool

 (screen1) (screen2)

This tool is used to override the positioning of answers on the first page of Bing results. It's a WYSIWYG editing tool that allows the user to drag and drop answers to a new ranked position. If the view button is clicked they can see how the page will look with the new overrides with a production query. The deploy button runs some nunit tests on the modified override files, handles any merging and/or conflicts and checks them into source control.

Although this seems like a pretty simple site, I refer to it as the Iceburg. Between the serialization of view / deploy requests, heavy jquery, ajax and distributed processing it is the most complicated site, with the largest number of mixed technologies, I have ever worked on at Microsoft.



This one is my most recent external site. Some of it is publicly available. Most of it is hidden. This site connects NYP's Amalga installation with HealthVault, providing patients with detailed views of their own health records, allowing them to share this data with doctors, family, whoever they choose.

HealthVault Community Connect


Probably easier just to quote Microsoft® News Center:

Using HealthVault Community Connect, a hospital can give patients the option to access electronic medical information generated during hospital visits through the hospital’s Web site. In addition, patients can store this information in Microsoft HealthVault, a security-enhanced online service that is designed to put consumers in control of their health by providing a central place for them to gather, store and manage their health records, as well as share that information with family and a trusted network of caregivers.

I'll put some screen shots up as soon as possible.

Peach Tree Healthcare


I coded this site for a hospital in California. It was designed by InSource Web Design. Most of the site is static content like this one, but some pages such as the available positions are pulled from a SQL data source. It's ready to be localized but hasn't been yet. Everything is pulled from a .resx source. The online application is hideous, I didn't make that, just pulled it from the old site verbatim. They didn't have funding for that.

City of Seattle Sex Offenders


The coolest parts of this site have been merged with the state site, but much of what I wrote still remains. I wish the clickable map of Seattle still remained. That was a lot of work and the coolest UI component. There's a lot of good information there, you should take a look.